by Ingredient

Bamboo skewers

About the ingredient bamboo skewers. Including 6 recipes with bamboo skewers.



In Chinese:竹签
British (UK) term: Bamboo skewers
en français:brochettes de bambou
en español:brochetas de bambú

Recipes using bamboo skewers

There are 6 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Satay Peanut Chicken

Satay Peanut Chicken

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Satay Peanut Chicken recipe


Spiced Salmon Kebabs

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Choose wild salmon to reap the health benefits of this fatty fish. Wild salmon is easily identifiable as its flesh is bright red and contains very little fat (very thin white stripes in the flesh). Since wild salmon swim in the wild eating what nature intended them to eat, their nutritional profile is more complete. Farmed salmon, by comparison, are fed an unnatural diet of soy and corn (never found naturally growing in the ocean!) along with chicken and feather meal. This unnatural diet means that the nutritional content of farmed salmon is markedly different from the wild variety. In particular, its omega-3 fatty acid content is much lower. Farmed salmon also contain a lot more fat (since they can't swim around as freely) and are often carriers of toxic viruses.


Satay Chicken

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Great for a summer barbeque. Malasian style chicken on bamboo skewers with satay sauce.

All 6 recipes

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