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The Healthy Recipe

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest…
2011: Can Vegetables End Childhood Obesity?

2011: Can Vegetables End Childhood Obesity?

The NYU Child Study Center reports that childhood obesity causes high cholesterol and high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease in adulthood. Children who are obese are also being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in growing numbers. Childhood obesity also causes low-self esteem and often leads to social discrimination.

Stock photo, restaurant buffet

Surviving the Buffet – Tips to Avoid Over-Eating

Observational research shows how to approach “all you can eat” buffets without binging.

What Your Hands Might Say About You

What Your Hands Might Say About You

Your hands can tell you a lot! Examining your hands may be a way to predict whether or not you are at an increased risk for certain diseases or conditions.

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