by Ingredient

Duck breasts

About the ingredient duck breasts. Including 10 recipes with duck breasts, and where to find it.


Where found

Duck breasts are usually found in the poultry section or aisle of the grocery store or supermarket.

In Chinese:鸭胸
British (UK) term:
en français:Magret de canard
en español:pechugas de pato

Recipes using duck breasts

There are 10 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Risotto with Chicken Livers, Citrus Zest and Duck Breast

Risotto with Chicken Livers, Citrus Zest & Duck Breast

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Mouth watering citrus chicken liver risotto.

Paperbark Smoked Duck with Lllawarra Plum Sauce

Paperbark Smoked Duck with Lllawarra Plum Sauce

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Paperbark smoked duck, garnished with mushrooms and finished with Illawarra Plum Sauce.


Duck Miramonte

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An elegant sophisticated Masterchef dinner. Duck with wine sauce, bone marrow and sautéed spinach.


Apricot Grilled Duck Breasts

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The duck breasts are marinated in a mixture of apricot preserve, sherry vinegar, cumin and cayenne pepper to boost the flavor. Grilling gives the breasts extra deliciousness. Easy yet tasty.

All 10 recipes

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