by Ingredient

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7 Signs That You Might Be Zinc Deficient

Do you realize how important zinc is for your overall health? Probably not, so here is a list of 7 important things that zinc helps you with, and signs that you might be lacking in this essential nutrient.

Because you only need a small amount, it’s easy to skip over this and many fail to realize how critical it can be.

1. Aids in Digestion

Zinc plays a major role in digestion, and can help about 100 different enzymes function properly. Without enough zinc, your body will struggle to digest food and absorb nutrients. As a result, when you do not get enough zinc, you may feel nauseous, or experience vomiting and diarrhea. To get more zinc into your diet, try adding shellfish or yoghurt.

2. Helps With Muscle Soreness

Most people can recover from even the most strenuous workouts within a day or two. If your recovery seems to last for a long time, or if you notice bruising that does not seem to go away in the normal amount of time, you may have a zinc deficiency. Zinc contributes to the healing process, helping muscles heal and helping tissues recover.

3. Unusual Taste or Smell

Zinc contributes to the sense of smell, so if you are noticing that your sense of taste or smell seems a bit off, you might have a zinc deficiency. Because your taste receptors are primarily in your nasal cavity, you will experience unusual taste and smell when these are affected. Get more zinc in your diet and things will probably start to improve.

4. Frequent Illness

Zinc is a main ingredient in many cold remedies, and this is for a very good reason—zinc helps to boost your immune system and can help you fight off illness. When you are catching every virus going around, or experiencing frequent illness, it might be related to a zinc deficiency.

5. Poor Eyesight in the Dark

Do you have a hard time adjusting your eyesight when you enter a dark room? Feel like you might trip in the movie theatre? Well, zinc is important for eyesight, and especially for helping eyes adapt to the dark. If you think you are starting to have difficulty adjusting to dark conditions, get more zinc!

6. Difficulty Paying Attention

Research has shown that those with zinc deficiencies often have difficulty paying attention and concentrating on tasks. If you are noticing these symptoms, then you might want to try adding more zinc to your diet. When your zinc levels are balanced, you have a better ability to concentrate, focus and complete tasks, and you will be more productive.

7. Weight Gain

Zinc is important for controlling your metabolism. Those with zinc deficiencies may notice swings in their weight, or unexplained weight gain. You may also feel sluggish and tired, and have difficulty controlling your weight, despite controlling your diet. Add some nuts, beans and seeds to boost your zinc, and see if this helps you control your weight better!

Too many people are missing out on getting enough zinc in their diets. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, consult your physician and consider adding more zinc to your diet. Zinc supplements may be an option, but some zinc-rich foods include oysters, shellfish, beef, chicken, yoghurt, nuts, seeds, legumes and more are also great choices.


Chet Holmgren Vancouver, United States

Gonna eat deez nuts so I get more zinc for the dink


I am going to give it a try... Pretty excited about it...

Dionne uk

Very helpful,ile start eating more nuts on a regular basis and see how I go

anonymous , Gambia

Very helpfully.

anonymous , United States

Great article

anonymous White Plains, United States

Very informative

anonymous Phoenix, United States

Very helpful