Delicious Eggplant, Mushroom, and Zucchini Quiche recipe
Crumly Cogwheels Tortilla Soup recipe
Cranberries and pistachios are the complementary flavors of this cookie recipe submitted by Jane Bortz of Beaver Dam.
Just the Best Cookies recipe
Nantua Sauce recipe
Scalone recipe
A delicious yet elegant dessert that will impress your guests.
Chocolate Brandy Cake recipe
Mince meat is always used for making cookies, but they are good for making muffins or cakes as well. These muffins are super moist and flavorful!
Raisin Nut Bran Muffins recipe
Love apricots, and this double apricot bread was right up to my ally. The bread was so moist and delicious. Breakfast, snack, or dessert. Yum, yum!
So delicious!