These cakes are eaten buttered, with a glass of milk, for supper, but are also good with oily fish such as herring or mackerel. They are also terrific with wine and cheese.
Classic Oatcakes recipe
Danish Pastry - Dansk Wienerbrod recipe
Love love these apple pancakes, and the cider syrup was just amazing. It was a nice change from maple syrup that I normally use. I think I will be making this syrup a lot from now on, needless to say that it's way cheaper than maple syrup :)
Mascarpone is light and creamy, try to find fresh, local and seasonal blueberries, which make the cupcakes absolutely flavorful. The frosting is made with mascarpone and heavy cream to give the fluffy cupcakes extra creaminess and layers of flavors. These cupcakes won't last long, everybody will love them.
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