A simple yet delicious recipe for granola bars. You can ice them with a simple glaze, if desired.
Made this recipe with low-fat sour cream and a bit mayonnaise, deliciously creamy, and loved the fruitiness from the apples. This coleslaw is delicious at many ways, topping for burgers, sandwiches, even hot dogs, pulled pork...
Cherry clafoutis is original from France, and it's usually made with unpitted cherries, which gives the clafoutis almond flavor during the baking. But nowadays we always pit the cherries in order to eat it easier later on, so you can add a little bit almond extract, which will definitely give your clafoutis almond taste without worrying about the pits from the cherries!
Using most whole wheat flour and olive oil makes these muffins a lot healthier without losing any deliciousness. Super chocolaty, moist, and addictive, not only kids love it, but grown-ups also can't resist these yummy treats.
Give a classic pumpkin pie a modern twist with creme fraiche that makes the pie differently rich and delicious. Brandy is an enhancer and makes the pie taste even better with just enough tang.
Red onions are cooked with balsamic vineger, brown sugar, vegetable broth, turn out very tasty, adding into the lightly boiled green beans, it is a wonderful side dish.
These crispy, chocolaty treats keep well in the refrigerator, but they won't last long---they'll be gone in no time! Make them Mexican by adding a pinch each of ground cinnamon and cayenne pepper.
Chocolate Chip Cookies 2 recipe
Cranberries add some fruity sourness and sweetness, chocolate chips make the fudgy cookies even fugdier. These deliciously chocolaty and moist cookies are hard to resist.
Use phyllo pastry as the crust, place sauteed mushrooms with thyme at the bottom, then spread the mixture of cheddar and sour cream on top. Let these cute little tarts puff up and become golden-brown in the oven, absolutely delicious.
Chocolaty and super moist cupcakes will be a huge hit at any occasion.
This rich pie pairs bacon and caramelized onions in a creamy sauce baked in a pastry shell. Serve with a tossed salad for lunch or a light dinner.
A light and healthy version of a creamy ranch salad dressing.
Smooth and beautiful chocolate tart, some chocolate swirls on top with some toasted hazelnuts, you can serve it with some whipped cream or vanilla ice-cream.
Showing 529 - 544 of 4748 recipes