A succulent pot roast that is simmered to perfection. The leftovers taste great in a sandwich!
Why make the same old spaghetti sauce when you can enjoy this scrumptious dish that will satisfy your hunger.
Puchero is to Mexican cooking what Pot-au-Feu is to French. The difference lies in Puchero's imaginative combination of vegetables and fruits. Since it is even more delicious the second day, this recipe will make an ample amount to serve 8 for dinner, with some left over for lunch the following day.
Fish Cakes with Horseradish-Sour Cream Sauce recipe
Rabbit, squirrel and venison are featured in this game lovers stew.
This recipe came from my mother-in law who loves cooking and cooks amazingly delicious food, this is one of her favorite Leftover Turkey Pot Pie recipe that she wanted to share.
No flag day or 4th of July celebration would be complete without a potato salad. This version is lighter and healthier that the tradition mayonaise only version but every bit as tasty. It's best made the day before. A great make-ahead classic side-dish so you can enjoy the day more.
Showing 2689 - 2704 of 3313 recipes