Why ordering take-out, if you can make a delicious beef and bok-choy stir-fry within no time.
This delicious cherry tomato spaghetti sauce is full of flavor, roasting develops lots of yummy spots on these cherry tomatoes, and serve it with your spaghetti, you will be surprised by how delicious it is!
Give your spaghetti a new look by making this delicious spaghetti pie. Cheesy, juicy and warm...
A traditional and delicious spaghetti sauce that can easily be made with the help of your slow cooker.
We loved it and used it in the Turkey Lasagna recipe.
A quick, easy and tasty dish, and it's a perfect week-day supper.
This dish is a hearty meal itself. The puttanesca and fra diavolo in the sauce produce a memorable accompaniment to shrimp as well as mussels, clams or even canned or frozen lobster meat.
An excellent way to use up my leftover turkey. Great flavour!
This is a fantastic recipe my mom taught me when I was 9 or 10, because it's so easy to make, and makes plenty to feed everyone.
An easy, cheesy, leftover turkey lasanga that's perfect to use up those turkey leftovers from Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.
A simple and hearty soup that's perfect for a rainy day or a cold winter night.
Chinese stir-fry is quick and easy, also there is lots of flavor created during the process. In this recipe, boil noodles first, meanwhile stir-fry fresh vegetables; in the end mix them all together. You have a delicious one-pot meal served within less than half an hour.
Made this baked beef ziti for Sean's dinner two days ago, and he absolutely enjoyed it. He said the flavor, seasonings and texture were just perfect. The creaminess and cheesiness from the ricotta and parmesan mixed with ziti were delicious. It was much easier than making lasagna, and it came out so flavorful and tasty!
A succulent seafood pasta dish made with shrimp, clam juice and white wine.
Beef stuffed inside large pasta shells topped with gooey cheese then baked to perfection designed to serve two people.
Why order take-out, if you can whip up a delicious meal within about 20 minute. A quick, easy and tasty Chinese stir-fried veggies with spaghetti will ensure to make your tummy feel happy while satisfy your palate.
Showing 97 - 112 of 743 recipes