Chili Bean Soup recipe
A delicious summer standard at our place. Easy to make with a mix of Southern European and Middle Eastern flavours. I use my Cucumber Raita (posted separately) to dress the lamb salad or you can use the quick yoghurt dressing provided here.
Indian vegetarian
I like this recipe and so did the family. Good for those who are on a diet!
Tired of the same old leaf lettuce salad? Then try this tasty recipe that uses bulghur and tomatoes.
This is a vibrant colourful dish that has Summer BBQ ‘written all over it”. Adding mint to the pesto brings in a classic flavour accompaniment to great Australian Lamb – fabulous with a glass of Banrock Station Shiraz Mataro, 2008, £5.99 at Sainsbury’s, Somerfield, Tesco, Waitrose and Thresher.
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