by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Healthy Living News

10 Eating Habits to Keep You Fit Year-Round

10 Eating Habits to Keep You Fit Year-Round

Physical fitness is key to a full and healthy life. Until you adopt a well-balanced, nutritious diet, physical fitness will be out of your grasp.

When Healthy Habits Go Wrong

When Healthy Habits Go Wrong

From avoiding germs, getting enough sleep and exercise, to making sure you remember things - these normal healthy habits can actually backfire on you!

Use It Before You Lose It

Use It Before You Lose It

Try these ways to use up your fresh produce instead of letting it go to waste.

Don’t Miss These 5 Tricky Healthy Conditions

Don’t Miss These 5 Tricky Healthy Conditions

There are some symptoms that may be confusing, or may be indicative of a number of serious or not-so-serious health conditions. Paying attention to your body and recognizing problems early can help you stay healthy.

These 8 Foods are Best Purchased at Your Local Farmer’s Market

These 8 Foods are Best Purchased at Your Local Farmer’s Market

Supermarkets may offer convenience and great selection, but you are often getting more than you bargain for in terms of chemicals and pesticides. Learn about which foods are best found at a local farmer’s market.

Delicious Non-Dairy Milks You Should Drink

Delicious Non-Dairy Milks You Should Drink

Many think of non-dairy milks as only for those who follow a vegan diet or have an intolerance to dairy. However, non-dairy milks are great for everyone!

4 Unsuspected Ways to Hurt Your Back

4 Unsuspected Ways to Hurt Your Back

Sometimes an activity you’ve performed countless times suddenly causes you to hurt your back. There might be some explanations. Here are 4 surprising reasons you might hurt your back.

These Unusual Symptoms May Indicate a “Silent” Heart Attack

These Unusual Symptoms May Indicate a “Silent” Heart Attack

Most people recognize the classic, obvious symptoms of a heart attack, like crushing chest pain and sweating. But there are other less obvious symptoms that can be dangerous to ignore.

Green Veggies: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouses

Green Veggies: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouses

Fill your plate with green veggies and give your body a nutritional boost!

6 Tips For Moving Forward and Forgiving Others

6 Tips For Moving Forward and Forgiving Others

Perhaps you have been feeling the urge to clear the air when conflict happens. Here are 6 tips that can help you let go of bad feelings and move forward.