This scrumptious appetizer calls for beer, jalapeno peppers, shrimp and hot chili sauce.
Tired of making the same old dinner? Entertain relatives and neighbors with this dish full of unique flavors!
This is a delicious, easy to prepare recipe. I will definitely make it again, it's absolutely perfect just the way it is!
Beef Stroganoff with Basil Rosemary Infused Sauce recipe
Why only use tuna for sandwiches when you try this scrumptious pasta salad that's perfect for the summer!
A delicious and hearty chicken main dish of tender chicken pieces cooked in a creamy white wine sauce. Hühnerfrikassee is a beloved dish in Germany, and it's enjoyed by people of all ages.
Awesome Lentil Salad recipe
Seafood lovers will love this succulent shrimp dish that is prepared with a savory sauce.
Showing 6801 - 6816 of 7943 recipes