by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Healthy Living News

How to Decipher Common Food Labels?

How to Decipher Common Food Labels?

Reading food labels is an acquired skill. To decipher the lengthy lists of ingredients and know what it all means can be tough.

Food Can Program Our Gut Microbiota

Food Can Program Our Gut Microbiota

The bacteria contained within our body helps to control many major symptoms. Recent research shows a relationship between the foods we eat and the profile of bacteria that relates to our overall health and well being.

4 Delicious Foods That Make You Look Younger

4 Delicious Foods That Make You Look Younger

You don’t have to rely on expensive lotions and creams to look younger. Try these delicious foods to give your skin and your body a youthful boost!

Top 5 Ways to Tell You Need More Protein

Top 5 Ways to Tell You Need More Protein

Although you might assume that most Americans get far more protein than they really need, there are still many falling short of the mark. Learn about the symptoms of low protein so that you can make the necessary dietary changes!

Certain Types of Vitamin E Can Hurt Your Lungs

Certain Types of Vitamin E Can Hurt Your Lungs

Although Vitamin E is considered to be a healthy supplement, the form in which you ingest it makes a difference. Certain vegetable oils may contain types of Vitamin E that can lead to asthma and other lung problems.

8 Great Tips for Clean Eating

8 Great Tips for Clean Eating

Eating cleaner may be easier than you think. Here are 8 great tips to help you get on your way!

How to Recover from a Food Binge?

How to Recover from a Food Binge?

Too many people get stuck in a bad pattern after a food binge, and find it difficult to return to their healthy habits. If you realize your mistake right away and forgive yourself, getting back to healthy habits is much easier.

Use These 6 Foods to Add Flavour, Not Calories?

Use These 6 Foods to Add Flavour, Not Calories?

Tired of the same old flavours? Worried about adding too many calories to the dishes you prepare? Try these 6 great additions that bring tons of flavour with few or no calories.

5 Tips for Holiday Detox

5 Tips for Holiday Detox

Overindulging during the holiday season is a common problem, but you can recover quickly if you try these 5 tips.

All Natural Home Remedies for Common Illness

All Natural Home Remedies for Common Illness

You may not always need medication for these common ailments. Reach for these all natural remedies, that are probably already in your pantry, before reaching for the meds.