by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Healthy Living News

Can Fasting be Good for You?

Can Fasting be Good for You?

Fasting may have a bad reputation when it comes to healthy lifestyles, but recent research shows that it could help young, healthy adults live longer.

Get smart, what you eat can increase your IQ

Get smart, what you eat can increase your IQ

Certain foods can help your brain function more efficiently. Add these foods in to get smarter.

Reduce Your Blood Pressure the Natural Way?

Reduce Your Blood Pressure the Natural Way?

Medication is not the only answer when you have high blood pressure. Consider these natural remedies if you want to lower your blood pressure.

 Food Allergies and Symptoms

Food Allergies and Symptoms

There is a difference between food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities. Knowing what to look for is important when exposure occurs.

9 New Ways to Use Sea Salt

9 New Ways to Use Sea Salt

Sea salt is not only good for you to eat, but also good for you to put on your body for brighter skin, teeth and nails. Find out new ways to use sea salt!

How to Deal with 10 Types of Hunger

How to Deal with 10 Types of Hunger

Understanding why you are hungry is important when it comes to making choices about what you are going to eat. Learn about the reasons that people experience hunger and how to deal with them.

5 Things You Should Know About Breakfast

5 Things You Should Know About Breakfast

Want to start your day off right? Make sure you are eating a healthy, satisfying breakfast! Consider these 5 tips to make it easier.

Is Your Coffee Really Only Coffee??

Is Your Coffee Really Only Coffee??

Certain coffees have been found to contain extra additives and fillers that you may not want to be putting into your body on a regular basis. Opt for organic, high quality varieties whenever possible.

How to Organize Your Fridge to Keep Food Fresher

How to Organize Your Fridge to Keep Food Fresher

Feeling like your fridge is constantly filled with foods that are not staying fresh? Learn how to organize your refrigerator so that food stays fresher longer.

Eating Junk Food Makes You Less Interesting!

Eating Junk Food Makes You Less Interesting!

Eating junk food will not only put you at risk for becoming obese, it can also make you less interesting and less likely to seek new experiences.